g e r a l d   d o w d         DRUMMERSONGERSINGWRITER

On Saturday, Jan. 23rd, 2021 starting at 8p, I played music for approximately 6+ hours (with an occasional water break) to raise money for Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc., an important organization that we need now more than ever. For more info on the show, go here. BUT WE RAISED OVER $10,000, Y'ALL!

Your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support. I've included information about Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. below.

The SPLC is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality.

Facebook pays all the processing fees for you, so 100% of your donation goes directly to the nonprofit. Make your donation HERE.

artwork by Tamara Fraser